Thursday, August 18, 2011

In the Beginning...

I go to the library to read The Writer and Yoga Journal magazines. My husband asked why I don't just buy them. One of the reasons is because I love the library. Who doesn't? Another is because, as a writer, sometimes you just have to get out of the house. And as those of us who love writing know, sometimes it is darn near impossible to pull yourself away from the computer. And other times, you are desperate for an excuse to leave the computer. Today I was having a hard time finding my voice while working on my second novel. (Don't get excited, I'm not a published novelist, I just happen to have completed one novel and since I can't spend one day without writing, I started a second.)

So to the library I went where The Writer magazine always boosts my confidence and makes me want to write. Not just write in general. Write that minute. I always write something in my phone when I'm at the library, inspired by an uplifting article or a good piece of advice. But going to the library isn't just about an opportunity to read. Sometimes in this isolated world of living inside one's brain and making magic happen on paper, we forget what it's like to look at another human being. So in answer to my husband's question, rather than get a subscription to the magazine and read it alone, at home, I use the release of a new issue as an opportunity to get out.

Despite the isolating aspect of my chosen "career," I wouldn't change it for the world. I love to write. I need to write. I consider myself a private person, even shy. (Don't all writers begin writing because they are too shy to say out loud what is on their mind?) But I've decided part of my growth process as a writer is to share what I have to say. I decided to start this blog because there is more in my head than the stories I make up.

At first I was daunted by what I should actually write about in this blog. I have many interests... fashion, fitness, yoga, dogs, reading, writing. I didn't want to focus on any one thing. So I've decided to write about... writing. My experiences. My journey.

I've been writing since I was a kid. I've been reading since I was four. I adore anything to do with the written word (although Shakespeare has never been one of my favorites). I love the sound of words, the way they roll across the tongue. The way words form together to make a musical symphony while conveying important meaning. Communication. Understanding.

My dream is to be a published novelist. I don't have to be the most famous, best-selling one (although that would be nice). I would like to make a living off my writing and be able to entertain others because the best thing in the world to me is sitting down on the couch after a long day, or first thing in the morning, or whenever I feel like it, and having a great book to read.

Reading is my friend, my company, my comfort. Writing is all of those things as well as a challenge. I accept this challenge and I move forward, hoping to grow and learn on my writing adventure.

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